Dining Room Centerpiece - the last of the prep!

Just a quick one today to show you my new dining room centerpiece and a little bit about what's in store for next week.

The centerpiece consists of white hydrangea, white tulips, pussy willow branches and green apples.

The green apples are submerged in the bowl (this is a great trick to help anchor your stems) as well as being tucked in amongst the flowers.

A closer look.

I love the bright green apples against the white - it really screams spring to me.
Shame it's snowing outside at the moment!

Well, that about sums it up for my party prep this week. I'll be sure to post a couple live party shots next week - I think I owe you that much after dedicating a whole week to party prep!

Next week, I'm also planning a cheap and cheerful vanity update and a $16 eBay chair makeover.
Hope to see you then.
Have a great weekend!

Until next time,