Saturday's Kitchen: Crab Linguine with Chili & Parsley

This week's Saturday's Kitchen recipe is a pub staple throughout the UK, but is also inspired by all the lovely fresh seafood I enjoyed on my recent trip to Florida.

It's quick, easy and something a bit different for your mid week meal.

400g linguine

4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 red chilli , deseeded and chopped
2 garlic cloves , finely chopped
1 whole cooked crab , picked, or about 100g/4oz brown crabmeat and 200g/7oz fresh white crabmeat
small splash, about 5 tbsp, white wine
small squeeze of lemon (optional)
large handful flat-leaf parsley leaves, very finely chopped

1.Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and add the linguine. Give it a good stir and boil for 1 min less than the pack says. Stir well occasionally so it doesn't stick.

2.While the pasta cooks, gently heat 3 tbsp of olive oil with the chilli and garlic in a pan large enough to hold all the pasta comfortably. Cook the chilli and garlic very gently until they start to sizzle, then turn up the heat and add the white wine. Simmer everything until the wine and olive oil come together. Then take off the heat and add the brown crabmeat, using a wooden spatula or spoon to mash it into the olive oil to make a thick sauce.

3.When the pasta has had its cooking time, taste a strand - it should have a very slight bite. When it's ready, turn off the heat. Place the sauce on a very low heat and use a pair of kitchen tongs to lift the pasta from the water into the sauce.

4.Off the heat, add the white crabmeat and parsley to the pasta with a sprinkling of sea salt. Stir everything together really well, adding a drop of pasta water if it's starting to get claggy. Taste for seasoning and, if it needs a slight lift, add a small squeeze of lemon. Serve immediately twirled into pasta bowls and drizzled with the remaining oil.

Cook's Note
If you are lucky enough to live in an area where fresh crab is readily available, I'm jealous; if you don't, most grocery stores sell picked crabmeat in their fish department, which is the route that I went with. Admittedly, some of the flavor is compromised by the lack of brown crabmeat - but beggers can't be choosers!

Wine Pairing
I served this with a fresh and zingy, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, which most of my friends will tell you is my go to white wine variety of choice.

If you are looking for a light and fresh alternative to your oaky Chardonnay - give it a try. Kim Crawford can be found at most grocery stores and is a sure winner.

As always, if you try it and like it, please do let me know.

Until next time,