Breakfast Room Inspiration and Paint

This weekend was filled with painting - at least for Mr. DD, who took it upon himself to sort out the breakfast room. 
All in an effort to get us moved upstairs sooner than later.

Funny how he has reached his limit before I have and I am the one that is here all day, every day! 

Last I showed you the breakfast room we had newly built built-ins a plenty. 
Lots of naked wood in need of covering!

Gotta love the action shots of Mr. DD painting - what a trooper! 
Definitely a special thanks for all his hard work.

All done!

Almost like they have always been there!

I can't wait to get the table in place!
And actually start using this room.

Anywho, now that it's all painted and looking lovely - it's time to set my mind upon decorating, which of course, is my favorite part!

Something about this image from Pottery Barn stopped me in my tracks when I first saw it. 
It's warm and cozy, yet light and airy. 
I love the dark, warm, wood tones against the lighter wall colors.
And of course, the window seat...

Inspiration has been found.

Stay tuned to see how I make it my own. 

Also, check back later in the week for a sneak peek of our almost completed kitchen!

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Until next time,