Summer Front Porch Pots

Well, hello there!

Sorry to have missed you for my regular Monday post. 

We had a great weekend visiting family, but a hectic return and a busy Monday. Crucial design decisions had to be made, appointments couldn't be missed and long awaited birthday presents finally arrived and just HAD to be set up today!

No matter how crazy it's been lately, I love to stop and enjoy our front porch pots.

Come on by and take a look!

I went with a white and green theme again this year - some people love blue and white - me, I'm a sucker for green and white. Every time! 

The big change this summer is the addition of a third pot, complete with topiary.
English ivy, white impatiens, white petunias, and climbing white clematis.

The two smaller pots hold a variety of white petunias, vinca vine, white geraniums, and white impatiens.

You know what they say, you've got to make time to stop and smell the flowers! 
And this evening, I did just that. 

Hope you have made time in your day to enjoy all that summer has to offer.

Until next time,