Working With What You have - Outside!

Perhaps you remember this little garden that I planted last year? 
Click here for a reminder.

Lilac garden before

I'm pleased to say that everything came back this year, but it was looking a bit sparse. 
Not exactly the secret garden that I had hoped for.

Not wanting to spend a lot of money with our massive kitchen project still underway, I purchased three grass plants for added privacy and decided to take a look around our yard and see if there was anything that I could use to help fill out the space.

Have I ever shared an image of our hosta boarders? 
The previous owners had over 50+ hosta plants - now that's definitely something to work with!

Let's take a look at our newly planted space.

View from the front of the house, looking back toward the patio.

Looking down the path. 
(After of first image.)

One more time - lilac garden before

Lilac garden after

So, what exactly did we do?

We broke up the obvious lines of plants, grouped plants in closer proximity in groups of 3, moved the bigger plants closer to the foundation of the house, and added loads of hostas - both variegated and green. 

View from the screened-in porch toward the driveway.

So, what do you think?

We are loving the new look; and with a price tag of only $20 and a lot of manual labor, we couldn't be more pleased.

Of course, we'll see what next year brings! 

Until next time,