Toot, Toot

Not one to usually blow my own horn, some things just can not pass without a little excitement and celebration. 

A couple of weeks ago, a super nice lady reached out from to ask if I'd like to have my DIY kitchen island included in a roundup they were putting together for their site. 
Say what? Would I like to be included? Um, yeah.

So, I knew it was going to happen. It wasn't like it was a surprise or anything, but nothing could have prepared me for when I actually saw it go live. Cue biggest smile ever. 
Insane. Pinch me. I just can't believe it - this little blog, my little DIY project got such big recognition. Weak in the knees, I tell you. Weak in the knees. 

You can check out the link to, here.

It's always fun to look back on old posts and images. I can't help but to think: if I knew then, what I know now - that picture could be a whole lot better! And I would never have included a picture of me in all my post-baby glory. But, what's in the past, is in the past and I'm just super excited to have been included. 

You can check out the original post, here.

So much has changed since that post. For starters, we don't live in that house anymore, or even that State. And the kitchen island is no longer a kitchen island - it's found a new home in our laundry room. Yup, many a load of laundry has been folded and stacked there. 

Did you honestly think we'd leave her behind? I mean, come on. 

Thanks for indulging my little moment of celebration. 
Have a great weekend!

until next time,