Super Simple Trellis Update {for your cukes!}

I heard a rumor that, generally speaking, blogs are read less during the summer. At this point, I'm kind of hoping that's true, because I'll tell you, time is at a premium around here these days. 
So, today I'm popping in to share a super simple, super fast project from this past weekend: an updated garden trellis.

You may remember that I picked up several of these trellis from Lowe's a couple of years ago. While we still have them and took the time to relocate them to NC, we aren't currently using them in the new garden. 

But, now that our cucumber plants are starting to bloom and grow their vines, they need to be supported. In the past I used the above trellis, but the strain of being supported so upright wreaked havoc on the fruit.

Recently, I read an article in the June issue of Southern Living, where they showed a homemade "lean-to" supporting their cucumbers. While I don't really see myself creating a homemade "lean-to" anytime soon, it did get the creative juices flowing...

A couple quick cuts with the table saw and John transformed our tall trellis into a more cucumber-friendly version.
1/2 off the front, 2/3 off the back. Super simple. Super fast.
Just like I said it would be. That's my kind of DIY project.

Just look how happy those cukes are! Grow, baby grow.

Side note: Check out our red onions in the foreground and the yellow squash in the background. Pretty excited for some garden activity!

Are you starting to feel the summer pinch? How come kids are the only ones that get to enjoy the lazy days of summer :) 

until next time,