Dining Room: Chair Updates

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am turning my attentions back to the dining room, which is looking much fuller with the corner cabinet. But, that's not all that's new in the dining room. We also received two new head chairs from my parents, another casualty of the downsize.

The head chairs were formerly found in my parents' breakfast room and were a standard fixture to our nightly family dinners throughout my childhood. I love having them as part of our family dining traditions now, too. 

They are beautiful chairs with great details, but there is one clear problem: the fabric has got to go. I just banned the last of our tapestry fabric from the den, so I definitely don't want it in here either. 
Armed with a sample of the fabric from our recently recovered dining chairs (for a refresher, check them out here) and headed to my favorite fabric store in Gastonia, Mary Jo's Cloth Store, to see what I could find.

I had a vague idea in mind that I wanted something velvety in either grey (safe), teal (fun) or chartreuse (bold)...

Option 1: animal inspired grey.

Option 2: animal inspired chartreuse and teal.
Boom. This one is bold.

Option 3: grey basket weave.
The basket weave trumps the animal print, option 1 is out.

Option 4: dark teal basket weave.
The teal works perfectly with my existing fabric and the basket weave is super fun, but might be really dark in an already dark and moody dining room. hmmm….

Option 5: light teal velvet.
This is exactly what I was looking for, but it's 2x the price of the others, special order, and now I am worried about stains. The lack of pattern won't be very forgiving when it comes to stains. 

Option 4 is the clear winner from this grouping, but is it a strong enough lead to actually make the purchase? 
I'd love your thoughts. 

until next time,