Monday Inspiration: Gardenfreak

Can I just tell you that this is the second weekend in a row where I've been able to find a full hour to sit down with my magazines to gather inspiration for our home and our clients, too. It's a small thing, I know, but definitely feels like a minor miracle with two rambunctious little ones running around.  My most favorite part, though, is sharing my findings with you on Mondays.

This weekend, I was introduced to the garden designs of Kim Visokey, aka Gardenfreak, as featured in BHG April issue. 

Her work is so stunning. Her borders, in particular, really speak to me. I love the color combinations (contrasts) and the groupings (mass planting) as well as her added touches of decor (planters, statues, fountains, etc).

Pathways tucked amongst the flowers leading to hidden gardens. With ponds, nonetheless. 

Beautiful, multi hued succulents in a turquoise planter sitting on a brick lined pea gravel path. It feels like this particular shot was made for me. 
What I would give to see this garden in person! And to think it was literally in our back yard during our Chicago days. Hmph, missed opportunity. 

We've actually started planting, if you can believe it, over the last couple of weekends and I'm looking forward to incorporating some of Kim's philosophies this year. If you'd like to learn more about Kim and her work, check out her site, Gardenfreak

until next time,