Monday Inspiration: Organized Kitchen Nook

We've made great progress on our new workspace and have started transitioning our little business to it's new home, which is a wonderful thing on a lot of levels. One being that it has freed up our kitchen nook desk to become our new kitchen drop zone and family command center. 

With any luck at all we'll soon be enjoying a space similar to this highly organized and extremely functional kitchen desk area.

I'll plan to keep our existing cork board and would like to incorporate a calendar, more organization for mail, homework and paperwork. 

And a docking/charging station as well. It seems our countertops are constantly littered with charging electronics. Ideally, we could keep the majority of the junk stuff off the kitchen island and in the new drop zone. Perhaps wishful thinking, but it never hurts to try. 

And with inspiration as beautiful as this, can you really blame me?

until next time,