Third Time is the Charm

I have exciting news: after what felt like years of casual searching, we've finally settled on a new (to us) rug for our living room. Ok, maybe it's only exciting to me…but I'll carry on. You see, two years ago when we first moved into our Charlotte home, we made use of a lot of our things from Chicago - one of them being a boring old neutral sisal, that really worked best for layering. It was huge and boring. Oh, did I already say that? Sorry, but it was. I immediately started looking for a replacement, but with our heavily patterned chairs, odd assortment of colors and bold foyer paper - I was pretty much stumped.

Then, in an unexpected whirlwind of activity, two rugs came within grasp. We wavered only momentarily and then made the plunge on a blue persian style, hand knotted 9x12 beauty. Unfortunately, it was a mistake. 

A mistake that I knew the moment we unrolled the rug. Which, incidentally, was like 2 days after it was delivered. Surely, I already knew something was amuck - when have I ever waited 2 days to open anything home related?
It's a beautiful rug, there's no denying that, but it just doesn't work with the chairs in particular nor with the whole look and feel of the room. 

Fortunately, the other contender was still available and we were able to scoop it up as well. 
Obviously, it's not ideal to purchase two rugs in one go, but the blue beauty has found a temporary home in another room while we decide if we should sell her on. 

I guess what they say is true, third time is the charm because we're head over heels for this rug. It offers color and pattern without overpowering our other fabrics, it's smaller size shows off the lovely hardwoods, and it plays so nicely with our console, too. Yes, I'm a happy girl. And so is my wallet because I got this butte for a steal at $200. Thank you very much, Move Loot.

until next time,