Loving This Week

It's been a crazy couple of weeks around here. So much so that I  haven't shared a, What I am Loving this Week post in quite some time. Fortunately, now seems like the perfect opportunity to share one because of all the little projects (and milestones) we've been tackling as of late. 

Like planting seeds in the garden with my big girl. The weather has been kind of hit and miss lately, so we've only planted lettuces thus far. And, I had to give up part of my highly coveted space for cutting flowers this year - at Miss T's request, of course.

This week I was also completely, head over heels, inspired by this amazingly creative and eclectic mix of throw pillows in Calling it Home's family room. I mean, I thought I liked to mix it up - but this takes it to a whole new level. It's making me rethink my entire family room scheme...

Last weekend, we spread over 3 yards of mulch in the yard and it was only possible because these two little rascals have finally figured out how to play together. 

Speaking of minor milestones, Baby E had her first "jump" on the trampoline and I just have to include the video, because well, it's pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

And finally, that crazy duo over at Young House Love, who make it all look so easy, posted some rather big news that I found quite inspirational and wanted to share. Click here to read more.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks version of, What I am Loving. Have a great weekend and happy early Mother's Day to all.

until next time,