Rear Garden

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there! Hope you had a great weekend - celebrating, enjoying and relaxing. I certainly did...feeling very lucky, loved and relaxed. Which is a nice change from all the back breaking work of last weekend.

Remember how I told you we worked all day, both days in the yard? Well, we weren't just spreading mulch - we were also finally tackling the rear garden.

Feast your eyes on this new section of the yard. 

Perhaps you remember what it looked like last Summer? A hearty line of hostas and behind it, not much more than a masssive compost pile. We had big plans to elevate the area and build a pergola, but you know what they say about plans...

So we filled in the area with dirt from the edging the other gardens, smoothed it all out and headed to Home Depot from some plants. 

We chose arborvitae, which provide a nice backdrop and foundation to the cuttings garden in front, transplanted some of the hostas to break up the line and filled in the garden with ferns. 

Also during this little garden renovation, our once forgotten playset, which is suddenly back in use, received a new foundation of wood chips. No more muddy bums!

All in all, the back garden is looking a lot nicer and more complete - and we couldn't be happier with the results.

What did you get up to this weekend?

linking in with:

until next time,