Silver {Grey} Lining

Remember that storm I blogged about a couple of weeks ago...well, like most of the areas around here we experienced "seepage" in our unfinished basement. Nothing a little wet vac and dehumidifier couldn't handle, but still an inconvenience. So, where does the silver lining come in? Well, I'll tell you. 

After spending a weekend cleaning up the basement and staring at the painted laundry room floor, {which we painted cream shortly after we moved in - what was I thinking?}, we noticed how badly it had aged.  Mostly, from a bad paint job way back when, but also from using this space as a makeshift temporary kitchen during our kitchen remodel. 
So, we finally decided to do something about it. 

Yeah, it's not a life altering change - we just painted the floor after all, but I am telling you, it has made all the difference. $25 for a can of paint and about the same for this cute new rug and I am really digging a space that I use daily. Multiple times a day. 

So, yeah, this is a post about a basement floor and a can of paint - and, I'm ok with that. Because its not only the big changes that help you to love your home.
Go on, get out there and tackle a small change that's been on the list forever. You might just rediscover a love for your home.

until next time,