Bits and Bobs Outside

Pre-school is out and we are in full birthday mode around here (mine, Tessa's and loads of out of town family). In other words, progress around the house is moving at a snails pace. But that's ok because it's more about the process than the finished product, right? Or is that just something I'm telling myself :)

For those inquiring minds that need to know, here's what we've been up to:

Our final plant selections have been made and purchased for the garden bump out. Planting is underway so you can expect a full progress report on that area soon. 

We finally set up our hammock, which was John's father's day present from last year. Better late than never, right? Something about moving house right after father's day 2013, not having a house to set it up in last summer and a yard in need of some serious TLC here in Charlotte. But whatevers. No ones counting.

It's the new favorite place to discuss all things yard/house related. Like the playset debate, which continues on. And the back deck makeover. Which I am happy to report, we are starting work on soon. Yeah!

You can find a similar hammock here and the stand here.

We're continuing to wage war against the rabbits, who are rapidly destroying our vegetable garden. When the pepper spray failed, I moved on to Irish Spring soap (read more about that here), which didn't do a thing. Finally, we threw all hopes of aesthetics out the window and surrounded the entire garden with chicken wire. It ain't pretty, but it seems to be working. Next up, re-seeding all the destroyed plants (mostly dill, peppers, eggplant, lettuces, peas, etc).

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. 

until next time,