It's fall y'all, part 3 {outside}

Spending Sunday outside winterizing the garden, reminded me to sort out the front porch as well. 8 days into October, time to get the mums out. 

Of course, receiving a new set of beautiful clay pots, curtesy of my parents' recent downsizing (a trend you'll be seeing often on the blog in the upcoming months), helped spur me on, too. 
The little terra-cotta pots are mine, stashed in the garage,  perfect for covering up your basic plastic container. 

I can't bring myself to throw out our super sized ferns when they still look so lovely. Besides, who doesn't love a layered vignette? Plus the green ferns provide a nice transition to the season. If I do say so myself.
Have you seen these new multi-mums? Perfect for the indecisive decorator in all of us. 

Happy Fall, y'all. Tomorrow I'm planning to share some updates in the front hall. And you guessed it, more furniture from my parents will be featured. Have a good one!

until next time,