It's fall y'all, part 4 {foyer styling}

I usually always start my seasonal decorating outside, followed by the foyer - this year they were the last two to get my attention. Funny how that works. No good reason at all.

The arrival of the new-to-me chair from my parents' home is what kick started this mini- freshening. 
See, I told you I'd be featuring another piece of their furniture. Get used to it.

The scale of this chair is much larger than the chair we had here previously so I'm considering placing a low light plant to the left of the dresser to help balance the weight. The plant pictured was relocated from the living room to get an idea of how it would look - I think I'm liking it. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.

I've followed the same general principals as my coffee table styling (check it out here): a tray, something living, varying heighs, etc. As well as my autumn equation - modern and rustic, natural and metallic. It's a winning formula, I tell you.

The honeycomb vase provides the more modern finish, which plays nicely off the more rustic and natural touches from the antler and white ceramic pumpkin. All precariously perched atop the vintage inspired metallic tray, of course. 

I can't leave off this post without bringing your attention to our little scarab beetle. Although he is a year round fixture in our home, he seems so appropriate this time of year I just had to feature him in the foyer. 'Tis the season. 

Have a great weekend!

until next time,