Architectural Inspiration: Wing Wall

We're back in Charlotte, after a two day travel-a-thon home from the midwest earlier this week, and I'm back to brainstorming more architectural details that could be incorporated into our home.
So far we've covered the portico and the porte cochere and today, we're talking about wing walls. 

Otherwise known as those little accent side walls on the exterior of your home. Like this fine example, which also houses the sweetest paneled door. Such a small detail, but so much charm. 

This is a much simpler style, but still a beautiful finishing touch. 

Wing walls can span up or down, I prefer down. Another little gate tucked into the wall. So cute. Clearly a reoccurring theme.

I'm not sure if this is technically a wing wall, more of an accent wall, but I just love the greenery lattice adorning the wall. I had to include it.

This last image in one of my favorites and segues beautifully into my next architectural inspiration post all about courtyards. Coming your way soon. In the meantime, I hope you are feeling the wing wall love.

until next time,