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Architectural Inspiration: The Portico

Happy Monday, all! I may be stuck in Chicago's blizzard, but my mind is spinning with upcoming home projects back in Charlotte. This year, it's all about the front of the house.

Our stucco peach dream, has a bit of a French vibe already, but we'd like to amp it up by adding a new portico and loosing the black awning over the front door. I'd also like to loose the plastic shutters, repaint the house, change the walkway and rework the landscaping … but that's so not going to happen. We're taking baby steps. But, since a girl can always dream, here's an inspiration shot of what peachy keen could look like after we are done with her. 

Beautiful, right? First things first though, so let's take a look at some porticos.
Porticos come in all shapes and sizes, here are a couple that have been speaking to me lately:

An understated, but elegant small copper roof with scroll metal supports.

A larger copper roof with detailed fretwork supports. This doesn't really scream French to me, but I still love the fretwork and I'm sure we could tweak it to work for us.

I love this image, but sadly can't really figure out how you could make something like this work on our home - good thing we are calling in the professionals.

So, do tell - which do you prefer for our house?

Stay safe and warm out there, be thinking of me and my attempts to return to the South later today. 

until next time,
If you'd like help designing your home, please contact me on

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