Kitchen Floor - done!

Last I left you, we had a drywall on the walls and arch in our kitchen renovation. 
(Click here for a reminder.) 
And I believe we were all impatiently awaiting the reveal of the kitchen flooring!

Well, first things first, the coil for the underfloor heating was installed and mortared in place.

Remember all the flooring options I posted about here?

We ended up going with the lighter tumbled travertine four piece pattern.

An in progress shot!

I can't tell you how relieved we were at this point....I was having serious buyers remorse just after ordering and paying for all the tile. I started to think it was too light and too large of a format. When it arrived, the tiles looked huge in our small space and really light in color.

But then it was all in place...

And I fell in love with the pattern and the old world feel. 
It's exactly what we wanted. 
Just enough color variation for interest, but not too much to compete with our future countertops. 

Plus, after two coats of sealant, it's taken on a slightly darker tone. 

These pictures don't even do it justice! 

This little step is just making me more excited than ever for our cabinet maker to get started. 

By the end of this week, the really messy work should be completed and we'll regain our living room. We're working on a new furniture layout stay tuned!

Linking in with Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.

Until next time,