Guess what happened over the weekend in our little lady's room?
Hello big girl bed!
(Check out the before here.)
Ok, truth time. This is was the guest bed. An inexpensive ($99) ikea, full size bed frame with box springs and mattress. We bought it when we moved into the house, fully intending to relocate it to our little lady's room when the time came. Well, the time has finally come.
Our little lady is more than ready, sleeping longer and seemingly more soundly when in a full size bed. Friday night we set up the new bed and moved her crib to the side of the room, Saturday afternoon we dissembled the crib and "stored" it in the now-disasterous guest room.
Note to self: progress isn't always pretty.
After three nights in her big girl bed without issue, we've officially turned the corner, it's time to say goodbye to the crib. I'll admit that first night going to check on our baby in her new big girl bed was a tough one. She looked so small! I had to hold back the tears a little, but she's growing up and that's exciting too. Sniff. Change can be is good.
I think $99 for this frame is a steal and a half. I mean, we're talking about a little girl's room here, it doesn't need to break the bank. Plus, I love the details in the headboard with all the curly cue accents. So feminine. Perfect for our, quickly growing up, little lady.
Sheets were too cute to pass up and for $17 a set from HomeGoods, I went ahead and picked up 3 sets. You'll notice (in the first image) I used one of the fitted sheets to cover the box springs instead of using a standard bed skirt. Love the pop of pink at the base of the bed.
Using a fitted sheet to cover box springs is a great alternative to using a bed skirt, especially if your bed is a nontraditional height which would require a custom skirt.
In other news, we did make a decision on the bedding. Can you guess which direction we went, based on the sheets? Click here to see all the options again. I'll be back later in the week to share the story behind the new bedding. Of course, there's a story…when do any of my purchases not come with a story?
until next time,