Well, I can't help but be influenced by this trend and am jumping on the bandwagon with Chalkboard Chargers.
I first saw this idea on Tatertots and Jello and thought it would make a great gift, especially for that hard to shop for person on your list!
A brief play by play on how to make your own:
Prime with a plastic loving primer (if your chargers are plastic). Let dry (20 min).
Spray with chalkboard paint. I used 2 coats. Let dry completely (24 hours).
Rub all over with chalk and wipe clean - they are ready to go!
Minus the waiting time, this is another really quick and easy project.
Think of the possibilities:
Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, good grades, first visit from the tooth fairy, first solo bike ride, and the list goes on and on.
A quick and easy way to celebrate even the smallest of occasions!
This time of year, chargers can be found just about anywhere and there are plenty of deals to be had - I've seen them as low as $1 a piece! Making them another great candidate for the perfect hostess gift!