While I was waiting for all that paint to dry on my newly robin's egg blue dresser, I had plenty of time to work on a new layout for the guest bedroom.

Our guest room is an L shape, so the layout is tricky no matter what you do. Walking in, you first see the desk and chair combo, it's only once you round the corner that you see the bed in the alcove. While it's kind of cozy over there, I never really liked how it looked when you first entered the room.
To make matters worse, there is a pretty substantial bulk head (is that what it's called when it's on the floor?) running under the window. It makes the alcove smaller than it appears.
Ideally, I would love to have the bed under the window. You'd see it face on right as you walk in the room. There'd be plenty of room on either side of the bed, but alas, it just doesn't fit. Grumble, groan.
So, in the end, I flipped the bed across from the alcove. Now, you see the bed right when you walk in. No mistaking what the purpose of the room is, now.
And before you even think it, yes, I know the bedding is a mess. I could of faked it and made it look all nice, but the reality is, we had guests. The sheets needed washing and changing. And since changing the bedding is a priority, why bother making it look anything more than it is. A mess.
The little alcove across from the bed now houses the desk, a chair (relocated from the old kitchen) and the chaise (relocated from the BGR).
Most of our guests will probably appreciate the chaise as a place for a little break away from our crazy kids! ha! But seriously, the chaise was taking up a LOT of space in the BGR. And the bigger our big girl gets, the more room she needs to play. The chaise may come back down to her room at a later date, but for now, it's helping to cozy up the guest room.
Ok, so that's taken care of. Now it's time to move onto the fun stuff - like putting the room together. Working on the bedding, accessories, and all those little extras that make a guest room so inviting.
I've got my work cut out for me.
Until next time,