When you're known amongst your friends, family and neighbors to be their token 'design' blogger, it's often assumed that your house is in pristine condition at all times. Really, this couldn't be further from the truth.
If only you could have seen my front porch just a few short days ago. It was sad, I tell you, sad. A single pot filled with brown, shriveled up evergreens. Long past their prime.
A door mat finally dry after a long winter, now rolling up at the edges. Cobwebs, dead leaves and a smattering of fallen petals stuck to the floor.
It was all a little embarrassing, really.
A quick trip to Home Depot later, I came home with three hardy purple perennials, a 6 pack of pansies, and some English ivy. As well as handful of determination to not have the worst pots on the block. Hey, I have a reputation to uphold here.
And because it's me and I don't want to disappoint, I decided to throw in a little DIY craft of the simplest sort. Curly willow tied with jute string adds a bit of height and interest until the plants fill in.
Phew. Not so embarrassing anymore. Now I can concentrate on other slightly more embarrassing issues like the fact my preschool insisted on wearing 2 barrettes, a bow and a headband to school today. Ah, the stubbornness of an almost 4 year old. Good times.
until next time,