I love days like this. They start off slow with coffee and breakfast on the patio, followed by a lovely walk and then an afternoon working in the garden. It could be the perfect Summer day, at least for me. Not sure Mr. DD feels the same way, or our new 4 year old, for that matter.
But, after a productive day, I am happy to report that our garage garden is finally done. Last I left you {click here and here for previous posts}, we just needed to finish off the window box and lay some mulch. But, of course, you know what they say about the best laid plans...
After some fairly gentle persuasion from my parents, we decided to replace our blueberry bushes with knock out roses. Growing up, my Mom kept a beautiful rose garden in her yard. So I know how much work is associated with these flowers, but they assured me that the knock out variety is as low maintenance as they come. So here we are with two new rose bushes. I definitely never thought I'd have roses in my garden.
I must admit that they really are lovely. Beautiful color and the scent, don't even get me started on the scent. Love.
We switched out the other blueberry bush with one little limelight hydrangea. You can see it just peaking out between my gigantic hostas. Yikes, those guys are big.
Remember what is used to look like - what an eye sore. I'm so happy to see it growing and thriving. But mostly, I'm just happy that we have one less naked dirt patch to look at!
We, also, worked on another little section of the garden this weekend. The new home of the blueberry bushes as well as the hostas we originally removed from this garden. I'll be back with details later in the week, hopefully.
linking in with:
until next time,