As I mentioned in my Michigan post, one of the highlights of our week long stay was the much anticipated trip to Pottery Barn Outlet. I've never been before, but my sister-in-law had and she mentioned it can be very hit or miss, so I really didn't know what to expect.
But we took our chances, strapped in both babies, and made the hour long drive. And, I have to tell you, it really was worth the trip. My SIL made out like a bandit. I didn't do too bad, either.
The one thing I did take away from the whole experience is just how impressive their staging really is. The magazine and retail store really do a wonderful job making each piece look so unique and collected. Not the outlet. Nothing takes the 'one of a kind' look out of an object like 40 of them on a shelf all sporting the same detailed distressing.
But, I didn't let a little detail like that stop me. I still managed to pick up a small 'antiqued' wooden tray and a set of 6 napkins. When I saw the tray, I knew exactly where I'd use it.
You see, I love to have a centerpiece on my breakfast table, but it was just getting to the point that I started to find it impractical. If it was too high, I couldn't see the kids, if it was too wide I couldn't fit anything else on the table, etc, etc. You know how it goes.
Enter the tray. While it's in the center of the table, the flowers and candle aren't, which allows me a direct line of sight to Miss T.
{No elbows on the table!}
Throw on some napkins, salt and pepper and its practicality is really starting to shine.
{Mommy, can you get me a napkin? Oh, they're right here. Nice.}
The best part of all, if I'm serving family style, I can take the whole tray to go. Instant open space. Brilliant.
A practical and pretty centerpiece, who knew that existed.
The real question is, how did I not think of this before?
until next time,