Last I left you, we shared this beautiful image of the little snafu that occurred during the moulding and wallpaper removal. In case you were wondering, we {or more like Mr. DD} spent the whole of the week repairing and prepping the walls for the new moulding.
I'm loving that after 10 years of marriage, there are still surprises. I had no idea Mr. DD knew how to hang dry wall. But, evidently he, a spare piece came out of the garage and that whole area was covered in a matter of minutes. Nice.
Of, course we were still left with a lot of cracks and holes in need of patching.
We picked up this repair kit from Lowe's, which worked out really well for the bigger areas.
The smaller cracks were simply taped and mudded. We picked up the pre-mixed kit, again at Lowe's, to make it easy on ourselves. Or on Mr. DD, whatever.
Did I mention there were a lot of repairs to make?
Lots of repairs = lots of sanding.
Definitely not my favorite part.
So, there you have it. Not a very exciting week, but certainly a much needed one. Big shout out to Mr. DD for working 3 nights in a row to get this done! Trooper.
Next up, the arch! We're actually in the process right now, and if you saw my post earlier this week, you already know that it hasn't exactly gone according to plan.
Seldom does around here :)
until next time,