It's so easy to get wrapped up in trendy decorating, especially living in the world of blogs, Pinterest and shelter magazines, but there is one thing in our home that I hope will never be effected by trends. Our family Christmas tree.
It's the one place were tradition reigns supreme. It will always be filled to the brim with family oriented ornaments. Some handmade, some with sentimental significance and some from momentous occasions in our lives. But each and every one is special to us.
So, this year I thought I'd share a bit about what will hopefully become our new family tradition for decorating our tree.
Instead of running around doing a million errands, rushing off to activities, etc. we lit a fire in the fireplace and sat down to a family breakfast in the living room. Pj's mandatory.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the slower pace of the day.
Then it was time to get out the ornaments. Now that Miss T is 4.5 she is really getting into the holiday spirit. The decorations and ornaments are all new to her and she loved hearing the story behind each one.
It really did feel special this year, for all of us.
Coming out from behind the camera, I got in on the action as well. They can't have all the fun without me.
Later that night we all enjoyed the view of our tree all done up. There's nothing quite like a lit tree at night, is there?
Here's to what I hope will be a new tradition for years to come.
Happy Holidays.
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until next time,