Wanna know what I am looking forward to?
Spring. Evidently it's set to happen any day now here in the South. I actually read an article yesterday saying that February and March are the best months to do your landscaping. That's a hard one for me to wrap my head around. When we were in Chicago, February and March were considered hibernation months. Guess I'll have to get over that one. Poor me :)
If this is the month to do landscaping, we better start making some progress with our plans. (I shared our issues here) So, I did what any normal person would do and spent hours pouring over inspirational images online.
Please tell me it's normal.
Because someone in our household thinks I'm becoming obsessed. But how can you know what you want if you haven't researched all the options - that's what I think.
Here are some of my favorite images, speaking to the major issues in our backyard project.
First up, the crushed stone patio. No matter how you slice it, I love this look. I wanted it in our last house, and I want it in this house.
The Awning. I'm not going to lie to you, I don't love the idea of an awning. I'd much rather have a permanent roof, but a project of that scale just isn't in the cards for us right now. Fortunately, this image has me loving our awning situation again.
The Stairs. Initially, I was planning to just add some everyday run of the mill stairs off the back of our deck, but not after seeing this image. Wide stairs, stepping down to the yard, no railing to cage you in. This could really work to open up our long and narrow deck space.
The kitchen garden. Again with the crushed stone. What can I say, I am in love. And that brick boarder. So much better than a pressure treated wood box.
Of course, these are all dream aspects to my dream backyard. But, maybe, just maybe, we can take a bit of inspiration from them and incorporate some aspects into our designs.
A girl can always dream, right?
until next time,