I joked recently that the backyard makeover is taking over our lives, but the truth is, it really does feel that way. Sometimes. And, I've been seriously burned out on all the planning, researching and of course, the actual work. The past weekend spent with family was just the break I needed and the motivation to get back in the saddle, as they say.
My Mother-in-Law, who was in town last weekend, is a serious gardener. She had raised bed vegetable gardens in the middle of her yard way before they were fashionable.
When she shares advice, I listen.
So when she recommended picking up a cultivator to turn over the soil in the garden, which in turn loosens weeds and helps to incorporate the soil conditioner, I ran right out and got one. Let me just tell you, it was worth every penny. It cut the weeding time in half, at least. Obviously, I'm a believer or I wouldn't be sharing all the details here!
Side note: loving my Sloggers, so comfy, easy to get off and on for the many inevitable trips in and out of the house, and they kept my feet super clean. Love.
zoinks, this is not my best picture. sorry about that. btw, we were told not to trim back the hydrangea hence all the old weird dead growth. wishing we hadn't missed the boat on that one last fall.
Of course, I couldn't just pick up a garden tool without visiting the plants. I mean, come on. I may be burned out, but I can still shop!
So, I grabbed a couple of my go-to favorites that we'll be incorporating into our accent garden (read more about that here).
The overall plan is still up in the air and I am sure these plants will be re-arranged a zillion more times before they actually go into the ground, but for now we have: light pink peonies (3) , a white knock-out rose (still looking for more) and lavender (5) joining our existing hydrangea (3).
While researching, I stumbled across this article on HGTV.com all about french country gardens. I love how they recommend mixing the formal with the informal, planting with intention to create a "wild flower" look, especially in the border areas.
So, for now I know that I want the color scheme to be blues/purples, white, green, and a touch of light pink. I'm on the hunt for more white knock out roses, probably some salvia, perhaps some flowering thyme and maybe even a purple or green variegated grass. Definitely more research and shopping to be done!
Any outside projects have you spinning your wheels?
PS. I've started adding my recommendations to the sidebar for easy access. Hope it helps!
until next time,