Of the gardening season.
One last harvest and then it's time to close it up for the winter.
One last harvest and then it's time to close it up for the winter.
The garden was great on so many levels this summer.
I'd like to say it encouraged our 3 year old to eat more veggies, but sadly, it did not!
But Mr. DD and I enjoyed it's bounty all summer.
But all good things must come to an end...so we tore out all the remaining plants and gave the soil a good tilling.

Time to put that summer compost to work by incorporating it into the existing soil.
Feeling pretty smug with all that hard work!

The hay will serve as an insulator throughout the winter season and finally be incorporated into the soil in the Spring.
Good-bye little garden until next year!
Come back later in the week to see how we're utilizing the last of our herb harvest.