Nothing's better than a real tree at the holidays - the smell alone is worth it!
Mess aside, there isn't anything I don't like about a real tree.
This year, we decided to go for a smaller tree. A little disappointed at first, but now I see it fits this corner just perfectly.
We usually decorate with white lights, golden balls, and other traditional ornaments.
This year, I added the raffia garland and a couple handmade ornaments that my oldest and I made together.
Can you pick them out here?
That's right - the green yarn and jute twine balls.
And, of course, you can't forget what's under the tree.
Brown paper packages tied up with strings...
These are a few of my favorite things!
Anyway, enough of the song lyrics and on to the DIY ornaments. Just a quick play by play as these are pretty simple.
Grab your yarn, jute twine (or whatever fits your theme), and styrofoam balls.
Start wrapping being sure to cross over the end of your yarn to ensure a tight fit. Keep going until you've covered all of the white styrofoam.
Once it's covered, tuck the finishing piece around a couple of times and tie it off.
And there you go. An easy addition to your tree that is completely customizable. Plus, it's a fun project to keep the little ones busy in the run up to the holidays!
I can't believe Christmas is so close. I've only got a little decorating left - then it's time to get the shopping done!
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Until next time,