"It takes two to make a thing go right, it takes two to make it outta sight."
Oh, Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock, thanks so much for recording a song that provided the momentum I needed to finally get this project done.
After 10 months of looking at this dresser, which was acting as a temporary TV stand in our basement, I decided the time was right to give it a matching makeover (to the other dresser). I mean, who wouldn't want to paint, outside, when it's 100 degrees?
So, why didn't I paint them at the same time? I have no idea. Maybe because Mr. DD wasn't too eager to add yet another dresser to the bedroom. We already had two.
But, you may remember, adding additional storage to our bedroom was high on my wish list. So, when we found both dressers on craigslist, the solution became obvious. Turn these basic, well-used, maple dressers into our bedside tables. How else can you have four dressers in one room without it looking crazy?
One coat of primer, two coats of BM White Dove, and a light application of Golden Oak stain has given both dressers a brand new look.
You may also remember that lightening and brightening our bedroom was second priority only to the increased storage. Flanking our dark, antique bed with the white dressers has done just the trick.
Convincing Mr. DD to add the dresser was hard enough, convincing him to rearrange the furniture was a whole other issue. Come back later in the week to see how I finally convinced him with the new arrangement.
linking in with:
until next time,