Colds, ear infections, crummy weather, and overnight babysitting for our nephews kept us home most of the weekend. Which is just fine by me, because I was finally able to tackle some of the much needed organizational projects in our kitchen.
After realizing that the basket of toys under our DIY kitchen island was doing nothing other than creating lots of clutter in a small space, we decided to replace it with a storage basket for some of our bulkier pantry items. Onions, garlic, and potatoes seem happy enough here and the height of the basket has kept enquiring minds and curious hands at bay.
Speaking of the pantry, this is what we've been dealing with. A small, but deep space filled to the brim - to the point where it's hard to find what we're looking for.
A quick and simple solution - make use of the vertical space.
We used one set of expandable shelves (similar here), individually, on both the upper and lowest shelves. Infrequently used canned goods have found a new home in the back of the pantry with the more frequently used grains on the upper shelf.
Clearly, this isn't rocket science. It's the little things - like being able to actually find and use your pantry items. Amazing.
Same goes with our spices cabinet. No more lifting each jar to find what we're looking for. The tiered organizer is the perfect solution. (similar here)
Seriously, opening the cabinets and seeing this just make me happy - not much more I can ask for, is there?
Hope you had a great weekend!
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Until next time,