Feels like forever since I've posted a house-related DIY project, so it's about time we get something started around here, wouldn't you say? Yes, I think so.
So, what's it going to be?
Our lower level fireplace surround. Finally. This is one of those projects that I've had on my list since the beginning of time. But, there's always been something more pressing to be done. Well, the wait is finally over. After a whole winter spent in the lower level, staring at the unfinished fireplace surround, we've decided the time is right! Finally. Did I mention I've wanted to do this for awhile?
Here she is in all her unfinished glory. Don't worry, you can think it - yikes, that is NOT attractive. I took the words right out of your head, didn't I?
Yup, work has been really slow down here. Sprucing up the family room was a goal this year, but so far, I've only managed to DIY a media center and spray paint a rocking chair. Not exactly knock-your-socks off progress, now is it?
You might remember this little photo of our construction paper brainstorming session....yup, it was a start.
Fortunately, Mr. DD's extremely capable, wood-working father is coming in town this weekend to hopefully jump start this project.
I'm off to find some much needed inspiration pictures. Have a great weekend.
until next time,