We're making more progress in the kitchen: the cabinets have been painted and rehung, the appliances have been ordered and are awaiting delivery, and the countertops are scheduled to be installed in just over a week. It feels like it's been going on for-ever, but it's only been about three weeks. That's a lot of progress, yo!
I can't believe it's time to start concentrating on the fine details of the kitchen refurbishment. And by fine, I mean hardware, people. Searching for hardware can be super overwhelming, unless of course you just head over to a big box store and pick up a big 'ol bag of matching pulls and knobs. That's so not my style, as I am sure you guessed. I think hardware is like the jewelry of the kitchen. I'm not looking to break the bank here, but a little effort must be in order.
You know I love brass: always have, always will. I did it in our last kitchen, and loved it. But this time, I wanted something a little more eclectic, vintage and modern - if that grouping can really go together!?!? Sure it can.
Taking inspiration from this image, I started searching for glass knobs. It didn't take long before I found these on Amazon. Love them. They are scheduled to arrive later this week and I can not wait to see them on the white upper cabinets. I think they will add that little bit of something special to the plain fronts.
Once I had the tone set for the hardware, it was easier to narrow down my search. I concentrated mostly on the site, Myknobs.com- they have a great selection, reasonable prices, online coupons and fast delivery. I also had my heart set on drop bail pulls, which are most similar to furniture drawer pulls, for the drawer fronts. Between choosing brass and bail pulls, I managed to narrow down the selection to just a couple of pages, and eventually these three. It was hard to decide, but again I went for that classic style slightly updated to a more modern look and went with option 1.
I choose the rest of the lower cabinet knobs from the same collection to ensure the finish would match. Sadly, that even proved to be tricky as there were just so many that I truly loved.
Here are just a few. Although, I was truly smitten with the knob in the upper right corner, I ultimately decided that the bottom left was the more practical purchase from a budget standpoint.
It's all a give and take, and if I am going to cut back somewhere lower cabinet hardware seemed like a safe bet.
You can check out their whole collection here.
More pictures to come after installation!
until next time,