Another week, another installment of what I'm loving - posts, inspiration, articles, family events - it's all here for you. Wrapped up with a nice pretty bow on it. I hope you enjoy!
Contemporary Living Room by Atlanta Paint & Wall Coverings ROMA | Eco-Sustainable Building Technologies
The search is on for a light fixture for our den. I want a statement piece but also something that will work with all the other elements in the room. This is the first image I've been able to find that truly speaks to what I have in mind.
Anyone have any leads on this fixture? I'm not having much luck.
Great article over at Apartment Therapy listing the top 5 books for Homebodies. Gretchen Rubin's first book, The Happiness Project, changed my life and ultimately resulted in the start of this blog. I can not wait to dig into her next installment, Happier at Home.
Halloween may be over, but Fall is still well underway meaning decorating for Fall is not over (Thanksgiving is quickly approaching!). I love this image showing fall decorating without orange. Now, if only I could get my mantel to look like this...
Speaking of Fall entertaining, there is a great article in the November issue of Real Simple called, The Moveable Feast (p.148). So many eye-opening and stress reducing tricks that actually have me rethinking furniture layouts on our first floor. Definitely worth the read.
John and I took the girls for a day out at Latta Plantation last weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather and all the planation had to offer. If you're local and looking for a nice outdoor activity, check it out!
I hope you are enjoying the last of these beautiful Fall weekends in your area.
until next time,