Ah, the powder room. We've got one. As I am sure you do, too. Ours is small with no natural light, nestled behind the stairs on the first floor. Perfect for a big statement.
That's what I thought … and thought … and thought while I searched endlessly for the perfect paper to make such a statement. But, after months of endless searching, I've changed my tune and decided that paint can also make a bold statement.
Check out this dark, bold wall color. If this doesn't make a statement, I don't know what does. No need for wallpaper here.
I love the natural wood tones in this space as well, a great contradiction to a lighter painted piece that you would expect to see paired with a darker wall.
But, have you ever heard that old design rule about NOT painting a small, natural-light-less room a dark color? Yeah, me too.
Who plays by those rules anyway?
It's going to be warm, cozy and super dramatic. Everything you want your powder room to be.
So, that's decided: paint the walls a dark, bold color.
But, what about accessories?
Of course, I am going brass. Just look how that gilded mirror really pops against the dark walls. Remember the vintage mirror I gold-leafed for our Chicago powder room (here)?
It's coming back.
Moving on...
Taxidermy, faux or real. What are your thoughts?
It's a huge trend right now and if you don't believe me check out these images I pulled from three of the biggest bloggers out there.
Whether you go the natural route,
or the more modern white ceramic route,
or the rustic route - taxidermy isn't just for mountain cottages or country farmhouses anymore.
Dark, hairy and glamorous.
Isn't that what everyone wants for their powder room?
Stay tuned to see how it comes together.
until next time,