It's time for another random edition of what I'm Loving This Week, where I compile a list of all things inspirational, recently purchased/read or just something I am loving at the moment and share with you. So here goes...
These too-cute-for-words Sperry Topsider duck boots. I recently picked up a pair of the brown boots for my trip to Chicago last weekend and boy am I glad I did! Can you say blizzard?
A friend told me about this cookbook while another gave it to me for Christmas - it is GOOD, you guys! Really good. I've already made a handful of recipes and heard raving reviews of several others. You will not be disappointed.
Speaking of books, I was also gifted this book for Christmas and it is excellent. I'm about half way through at this point, but only due to lack of time to dedicate, because this is a good read. Cover to cover. Honest, funny, beautiful and informative.
I've featured Hi Sugarplum! here before, but that's not going to stop me from sharing this peak at her new house and current renovation. Some things just deserve a double share - I mean, look at that tile. Can you even? Check her blog for sources, you will simply never believe it.
Last, but certainly not least, I have become obsessed with this site. The deals are outrageously good. I recently purchased a down, mid length coat that packs into a small bag (great for travel) for less than $80. Deal!
Ok, that's it. Like I said, it's a random collection this week - but it pretty much sums up what I've been up to as of late. Have a great weekend!
until next time,