Last weekend I was stuck in a blizzard in Chicago, this weekend we had Spring like temperatures in Charlotte. If that's not enough to get your mind spinning, I don't know what is. Sure it's a little early to transition seasons, but a little Spring fluffing never hurt anyone.
Our breakfast room, the sunniest spot in the house, the perfect area to receive the first shot of Spring.
The pine hutch, a Craigslist purchase in Chicago, normally holds a variety of white and green kitchenware. For the seasonal transition, I'm incorporating a shot of bright Spring blue.
And it all started with the blue, white and red Bibelot Anthropologie pie plate I received for Christmas, perfectly tying in my existing blue and white Cornishware collection. Love when that happens.
Speaking of happy coincidences, I ran across these little blue, white and red dishes in the check out line at Marshall's - don't they look like they could be from the same series as the pie plate? Adding these to the mix really brought the whole collection together.
Next thing you know, I'm ransacking the kitchen looking for every piece of blue and white we own.
But, it's all worth it because now it feel like Spring has sprung in our kitchen. And it makes me so, so happy.
Go on, give yourself a little shot of Spring.
until next time,