We're making progress, but not quite there yet. Probably because this project suddenly became a lot bigger!
We decided to replace our broken down, missing sections, all around terrible chain link fence! A great idea, but it has taken a lot of work. Check out some of the steps below:
Removal of one big tree that hung over the driveway, brought down part of the fence and practically hung on the roof of our home. Check out how much more light we get now!
Lots of overgrowth had to be cut back and removed to go from this....
to this...
to this...
and finally, to this...
And most importantly this...
The future home of my raised bed garden!
Obviously, still work to be done, but I am thrilled with the progress thus far. Next step, staking out the raised beds to be built before full flung Winter hits. My compost is composting and it needs a new home!
Anyone have any advice? I'm all ears.