Our backyard has been a work in progress since we bought this house, nearly three years ago. We've been tackling one little area at a time and have shared our shade garden, lilac garden, kitchen garden and most recently our hydrangea garden.
But, unfortunately, there is more. More unkempt areas that are in need of our attention. I know it seems hard to believe in this small, suburban, urban yard, but there is. And it's a doozy.
This area is in the very back of the yard, mostly in shade, with some fairly significant drainage issues. We started clearing it awhile ago, but that's where the progress ended.
There were at least 3 rows of hostas back here, which we have since moved to other areas of the yard. Leaving us with quite the eyesore.
Due to all the issues back here, we really have been stumped as to what to do with the area. What will grow back here, in the shade and damp? We needed a plan.
Well, I am thrilled to share that we've finally agreed on one.
We're planning on adding a stacked stone wall with a pebble foundation to hopefully sort out the drainage issues. So reminiscent of the English countryside...we're in love.
Then we'd like to add a pergola, to distract from the view of the neighbors garage.
And finally, cover the pergola in beautiful purple blooming wisteria. Swoon.
And if our girls are really lucky, we'll incorporate a cute little porch swing.
So, the plan is set, which is great. But the work still has to be done, and as you know, that's the hardest part. Fingers crossed we make some progress this year.
until next time,