I'd planned a big reveal of our fall themed front porch today, but something got in the way. Life. It certainly doesn't always go according to plan. No, nothing monumental happened. I just locked myself out of the house.
Today was Miss T's first full day of Junior Kindergarten and in the hubbub of getting out the door with the two kids, rain coats, umbrellas, wellies, handbag, etc, I just closed the door while my keys hung helplessly inside. It happens.
I borrowed the neighbors car, dropped her off at school, called a locksmith - an hour and a half later, Baby E and I were back inside. An expensive mistake that I will definitely learn from. Thank goodness for the kindness of good neighbors.
I was so looking forward to my 2.5 hours of free time, which I had hoped to spend in search of a couple of finishing touches for my fall porch reveal, but alas they'll have to wait until later.
So, today I'm sharing our porch with just a hint of fall - yellow mums nestled snuggly in a wooden apple crate. Life goes on even without the perfect porch :) Meanwhile, I'll be passing out spare keys.
until next time,