Every year I'm searching for fun and creative ways to display the incoming Christmas cards. After all, our friends are putting time and effort, not to mention the expense, into sending us cards so the least we can do is display them nicely.
As per usual, there's lots of great inspiration on Pinterest. Like this twiggy tree filled with card ornaments.
Or this ridiculously cute wreath made from Christmas cards.
Or even something as simple as arranging your cards in the shape of a tree.
I tried something new this year as well.
I'm sure you've seen the trend of wallpapering or painting the back of your built-ins, right? Well, how about wallpapering them with your Holiday cards?
These are the built-ins in our breakfast room.
I simply created a collage of sorts with Christmas cards and sticky-tac.
A simple and fun way to display our incoming cards that allows us to enjoy them throughout the holiday season.
I finally put our cards in the mail tonight - better late than never, right?
How are you organizing your cards this year?
until next time,