Remember the whole taking the breakfast out of the breakfast room shelf makeover? Well, those items that I removed from the breakfast room turn library, had me re-thinking our kitchen shelves as well.
I'm telling you, it was a shelf-a-palooza around these parts. Nothing was safe.
Sadly, there were so many cherished items that I really wanted to include in these shelves. But, alas, space is at a premium so I had to make some sacrifices.
Editing, it's one of the hardest lessons to learn. You really can't and more often than not, shouldn't display everything at once.
Some things have to go. It's just a matter of trial and error to see what works and what doesn't.
The platter, which we received as a wedding gift back in the day, was a must stay. I just love the colors and all that it adds to the space. And, of course, the canisters had to stay because they actually do function for our flour, sugar, etc.
With the bulkiest items in place, I had to be a ruthless editor.
I did try to do without the blue and white, but it's so fresh and bright and plays so wonderfully with the platter that I decided they could stay. Nothing wrong with a pop of color and a shout out to Spring.
I'm slightly undecided about our chicken-wire roosters. I LOVED them when I bought them, like 5 years ago, but I'm kind of feeling like they are overplayed. Maybe a little too country for me now? But, if you can't have roosters in the kitchen, where can you have them? So they are sticking around for a bit longer. Until I've decided they are really done :)
Phew, that was a lot of posts concerning the kitchen for one week! I think you're all caught up on this space now.
Next week, I'm stepping back in time to share what has become of the Mom cave. Spoiler alert: it's not pretty.
Have a great weekend.
until next time,