Remember when Mom Cave's where all the rage? Way back in 2010. Ours was one of my first big projects on the blog (check it out here). I even got a local TV spot feature. Pretty big stuff for this small time blogger.
Well, that was then.
{Warning the next pictures could be the most unattractive and true to life that I have posted thus far - consider yourself officially warned.}
And, this is now.
In truth, I never really used as much as I thought it would. I never blogged from the "desk" area.
It became nothing more than a dumping ground for stuff. Sad, but true.
Even as a dumping ground, it was getting out of control. Totally unorganized. Inefficient use of space.
Bad, bad, bad.
So, when my SIL, Linda, mentioned she was thinking of starting her own personal organization business and wanted to "test drive" her services, I was quick to offer this space for a trial run. I know, I am SO nice. And supportive. Clearly, doing this just to help her out. Not taking advantage at all :)
Check out everything that was removed from the space. Piles for garbage, recycling and donating. Linda was ruthless, in a good way. In a way that its often hard to be with your own things.
I am eternally grateful. You are about to see why.
Newly organized shelves.
Newly cleared counters.
Newly organized cabinets - flower pots, vases, baskets, etc.
Decorative accessories and candles.
And my new favorite, the party cabinet.
So, while this space may never be my dream Mom cave or blogging space, it's now a highly organized storage, staging, and wrapping station.
Life. Reorganized. has transformed this space. Linda is truly a talent when it comes to organization. I know she will have a ton of success as a personal organizer and I am more than happy to provide space in my own home to let her practice. Again, so generous of me :)
If you live locally and would be interested in a free consultation from Life. Reorganized., please contact Linda via email by clicking here.
Do it now before her time is booked up. Seriously, she is that good!
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until next time,