Lately, I've been struggling to find a balance between appropriately themed posts (design related stuff, that is) and the personal stuff. I post all the time about my home, projects, cooking and client work, but I wonder if anyone really feels like they know me? Like am I real person, or just some lady with an immaculate home that has no life other than tweaking her interiors (that sounds kind of wrong, but I know you know what I mean :) ).
Since opening up about the personal stuff has always been a struggle for me, I thought maybe I could share a bit more about my life through a new series I'm calling...
What I'm loving this week.
I'm hoping to share, with some frequency, the little things that are going on in our home and lives. Things that inspire me, make me chuckle, latest finds, etc. I hope you enjoy this new series, because if you do, I'll be sure to keep it up.
First on my hit list this week is the Suave Keratin Infusion hair care line. Amazing. Totally transformed my hair - no more frizz. Even when I air-dry my hair, which is like every day! Such a great product and totally reasonable. No need to buy expensive shampoos when this beauty is available at Target for under a fiver. Thanks, Linda for the recommendation!
Next up, this simple and inexpensive garage door update brought to us by Hi Sugarplum! Lets' face it, garage doors aren't the most aesthetically pleasing on the best of days, but with $15 and about 15 minutes she's given it a great face lift. This may be happening to our garage door in the very near future.
I finally finished reading domino, the Book of Decorating this week and I highly recommend it. First off, it's beautiful to look at making it a wonderful addition to anyones home. But, it's also that rare combination of inspirational and informative that everyone is after. Complete with a glossary of commonly used decorating terms, beautiful images and step by step style mix and match ideas. Genius.
Also, giving me a natural high this week is purging! Ever since I started working with Life. Reorganized. I simply can not stop purging. I'm tackling some of the little projects (like the girls closets) while the professional organizer has come back to help with the bigger ones. Like our attic, which has gotten out. of. control. Yikes. More to come on that soon.
If you follow me on Facebook, you've probably already seen this picture. It's our basement, family room fireplace. Obviously, its pretty much an unfinished fireplace that I personally have been wanting to tackle for quite some time. So this week we did a bit of brainstorming on what we would like it to look like, eventually. Sometimes it's just easier to visualize. With construction paper. I don't know why I think it's so funny, but I do. Everytime we go downstairs for the girls to play, it just makes me chuckle. And what more can you ask for when you're stuck inside with 6+ inches of snow on the ground. In March.
And last, but certainly not least, is this baby. In her sunglasses. Yes, E has discovered the delights of sunglasses, which she wants to wear everywhere. While laughing the whole time. Which makes me laugh the whole time. Again, with the snow, in March...this is a good thing.
Well, I hope you enjoyed our first addition of What I'm loving this week.
What's inspring you or better yet, making you laugh this week?
until next time,