Remember way back when I choose a word to focus on for the new year? Settle. That was my word. I wanted to settle into the house, get the kids settled into their rooms, and settle into certain spaces by creating function and organization. Some of the bigger projects we tackled were the family room/playroom and the mud room. Finally, I've tackled another space. A small, but personal space that I use everyday. The dreaded kitchen desk.
I shouldn't say dreaded, because I'm lucky to have one, but it just seemed to be a dumping ground for stuff. Never-mind the mail, paperwork and receipts, I also had some classics like: a radio - does anyone even listen to the radio anymore?, a wooden tray, and a bar lamp. It wasn't really the look I was going for, but most importantly, it provided no function whatsoever and the organization was awful.
True to form, I put a couple of "wants" and their corresponding measurements on the Notes app on my phone and started the search.
Tip: Store ideas and measurements in an on-going shopping list on your phone. That way you'll always remember what you are looking for while you are out shopping.
As always, things came together slowly over time. Finding the cork board and lamp (both HomeGoods) were the most challenging, but once they were in place I could finally start to get organized.
I still keep most of my contacts and schedules on my phone, but I like having easy access to important documents. And receipts. Receipts are big. I always overbuy for client projects and there's loads to return - it's crucial to keep all my receipts organized. With each project, a new envelope goes up on the board and the receipts go right in. It gives me such piece of mind.
Side note: that beautiful bloom came off one of my Camilla bushes in the front yard. I know most of my Northern friends are probably getting tired of me talking about the weather and blooms around here, but trust me when I say I'm not trying to rub it in…I'm just amazed. Especially after my weekend in Chicago, to come home to fresh blooms. Mind blowing, every time.
Making the desk surface functional and attractive was high on my priority list, but some of the major issues were in the drawers and files. Lack of files, more like it. I suffer from the clear-the-desk tactic of "stuff now, sort later". Except I always seem to forget the "sort later" part. Sadly, conventional hanging folders are a smidgen too wide for the bottom drawer so the folders are currently precariously perched at an angle. But, hey, at least it's organized and I can find papers easily. For the most part. Not sure what else I can do about that. Any organizational gurus out there have an idea?
It feels good to have another project marked off my "Settle" list. Especially this one.
What about you, have you tackled any projects or spaces that you'd consider to be on your settle list? I'd love to hear all about them in the comments section.
until next time,