Once upon a time there was a sad, beat down, cedar lined chest. Listed for sale on eBay, just hoping that someone would come along and fix her up.
I fell hook, line and sinker for her sad story and brought her home with me. What can I say, I was pregnant at the time, and to say I was a bit emotional would be an understatement. Unfortunately, she didn't make it any further than the garage for several months.
Then, last weekend, when the Spring-like temperatures aligned perfectly with two napping girls, we pulled her into the driveway in the hopes of furthering her story.
From a distance, she didn't look too bad, but up close you could see the handiwork of the family cat.
With electric sanders buzzing, we developed a plan for this neglected lady.
And like all good fairy tales, it involved a bit of magic, and hers took the form of milk paint.
You may remember when my love affair with milk paint began? It's chemically safe, cleans up with soap and water and is VOC free - not to mention perfect for getting that naturally distressed look.
I hand painted her with 3 coats of Old Fashioned Milk Paint {Light Cream}, gave her a little TLC in the form of some light distressing and finished her off with 3 coats of paste wax.
And now she's ready for her next chapter to begin.
Perhaps she'll find her next home in someone's front hall...she'd be happy there, greeting everyone day in and day out.
{this is the truest representation of the paint color}
Or at the foot of someone's bed. Happy to hold seasonal clothes in her cedar lined depths.
Or even in a mud room. The options are truly endless.
If you're interested in making room for this lovely lady in your home, please email me directly {designingdomesticity@gmail.com} for details or check out my craigslist listing.
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Until next time,